Let's get started
Complete the following steps in the Community web app to self-upload your Custom Member Data (CMD) from an outside source, allowing for a more personalized experience.
⚠️ As a reminder, you are only able to upload data to match with existing Members in Community, not import data for new Members.
- On the Community web app, navigate to Settings > Customize. Look for Custom Member Data > Upload .CSV with Custom Member Data and click New Upload.
If you do not see the ability to upload a .CSV, please reach out to yourfriends@community.com. Your seat may have read-only permission.
- Next, name your upload and prepare your Custom Member Data in a properly formatted CSV file. You can easily download our template as well as reference this guide below:
Download a CSV Template
Add your Members' phone numbers in the first column followed by their Custom Data.Im
Important: All US phone numbers must start with a "1" Example: 12223334444 - Supported data types include: Plain text, Integer, Decimal, True/False. Indicate in Row 2 each column's data type.
Maximum number of Custom Data Fields is (50)
Data Format Rules:
- Phone numbers: Must be in numbers-only format "11234567890" (no separators allowed, such as periods, parenthesis, or dashes)
• If there are duplicate phone numbers in the file, CSV upload will fail - Plain Text: 100 characters max
- Integer: 10 characters max (no separators allowed such as commas or periods ex. "12.34" "12,34")
- Decimal: 10 characters max excluding the decimal point (no other separators allowed)
- True/False: Case insensitive (ex. "True" "true" "TRUE" "tRuE")
- All Column Names: Must be lower cased with an underscore between words (ex. "phone_number" "streaming_service")
• If there are duplicate column numbers in the file, CSV upload will fail - Cannot start with any of the following: Equals to (=), plus (+), minus (-), @, tab (0×09), carriage return (OxOD)
- Phone numbers: Must be in numbers-only format "11234567890" (no separators allowed, such as periods, parenthesis, or dashes)
Member Contact Installed iOS App Account Number Buyer Channel Affinity Donation Amount Phone Number True/False Integer Plain Text Decimal 16789012345 FALSE 456 Target 52.75 19012345678 TRUE 7891 Best Buy 400.00 11234567890 FALSE 123 LA Rams 400.00
Add your Members' phone numbers in the first column followed by their Custom Data.Im
- Drag and Drop your CSV to begin your upload.
- Once your file is attached, you are able to Preview your CSV file. Take a moment to review it and then continue by accepting Terms and Conditions.
- The next step is to Map your Custom Member Data by specifying all data types for each custom data field, whether it is an Integer, Plain Text, Decimal, or True/False. Once all data types are specified, you are now ready to upload. Click Next to continue.
- Time for the upload to process! While your upload is in progress, feel free to exit the screen and you will be notified when the upload is complete.
- Once the upload has been completed, you will see a summary of your file details and the number of data values that were successfully uploaded into your Community. In any instances that there are phone numbers included in your CSV that did not match with existing Members in your Community, they will not be considered for the upload.
- You will now be able to view any associated Custom Member Data in Member Details as well as Insert Custom Member Data into an outbound text—up to 4 dynamic fields in one message! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to your Account Manager or email us at yourfriends@community.com.
Am I eligible to upload Custom Member Data?
Custom Member Data is available for qualified customers on our usage-based plans. Feature availability and functionality may vary by service plan. Please reach out to your Account Manager or yourfriends@community.com to see if you are eligible.