If you're on a qualified plan, you can easily export member data from your web dashboard. This data includes details like first and last names, email addresses, birthdays, gender identity, city, and state.
Understanding Subscription States:
When you export member data, you'll notice a field called SUBSCRIPTION_STATE for each member/contact from your community. Here's what each state means:
- Live: Members in this state are currently subscribed to your community. They can both receive and send messages.
- Opted Out: Members who opt out are unsubscribed from your community and can't receive or send messages anymore.
- Deleted: Members in this state have requested their data to be deleted from the database. Specific information about these members is no longer available.
Definitions of Each State:
- Deleted State: Members end up in this state if they delete their info via the Member Portal or have been deleted from the system for any other reason. These members cannot be resubscribed via a webhook call, but they can rejoin by texting the number directly.
- Opted-Out State: Members are in this state if they text "STOP" when they unsubscribe via the dashboard, mobile app, or API call (subscription_opt_out). When members enter this state, they receive a message confirming their opt-out status and how they can rejoin if they choose to do so.