Can I automate a response for Community Keywords?
You can trigger an automated response to a member who texts you a specific word or phrase.
From the Mobile App:
Go to Settings > Keyword Responders > Click the + in the top right corner to add a new Keyword Responder
From the Web Dashboard:
Go to Settings > Customize > Keyword Responders > Add a Keyword +
The message they send you must be an EXACT match with the keyword to trigger the response. Keywords can be a word, phrase, emoji, or hashtag. You can set up up to 50 keyword responders on either the web dashboard or mobile app.
For example: Keyword = dogs
Message Sent: “dogs” = Autoreply will send
Message Sent: “I love dogs!!!” = Autoreply will not send
Note: The Keyword Responder only works with members who have already opted in to your community. New members will receive the response once they complete the opt-in process. We have smart logic in place to avoid multiple attempts of triggering the same response within a limited time frame.