An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a unique nine-digit number issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to identify a business entity for tax purposes. It's often referred to as a Federal Tax Identification Number.
Why Do You Need an EIN for The Campaign Registry (TCR)?
The Campaign Registry (TCR) is the platform used to register Application-to-Person (A2P) 10DLC messaging campaigns, which ensure compliance with carrier regulations and prevent spam. When registering your messaging campaign with TCR, the EIN is required to verify your business as part of the vetting process.
Here’s why it’s necessary:
Business Verification: The EIN confirms your business is legitimate and properly registered with the IRS.
Compliance: Carriers require this information to ensure campaigns align with federal regulations (like the Telephone Consumer Protection Act - TCPA) and to protect consumers from unwanted messages.
Trust and Transparency: Including your EIN in the registration builds trust with mobile carriers and increases the likelihood of approval for your messaging campaigns.
If you don’t have an EIN, you’ll need to apply for one through the IRS, as it’s a critical step in registering for compliant A2P messaging through TCR.