Reply to more messages in less time! Message clustering intelligently and automatically stacks similar responses from your Members, so you can respond efficiently in a more personal, meaningful way.
Check it out!
How it works
After sending an outbound campaign, your responses will begin to appear below your outbound campaign. As soon as three or more similar responses are registered, clusters will begin to generate 20 minutes after the first message is received for you to easily pick out patterns and follow up accordingly.
How often do clusters update?
Cluster will continue to update every 20 minutes.
Does this only work on responses?
Yes, this works for campaign responses. It will not cluster inbox messages.
Does it just look for keywords to match? What makes a message similar?
We use advanced algorithms to find similarities between messages based on word groupings, and then create clusters based on an advanced rule set. We find a balance between creating clusters large enough to make Leaders efficient, while keeping them specific enough to allow personal responses.
Can I select a cluster and add those Members to a community?
Yes! You can easily multiselect clusters and take action on them, whether it is to respond to them or to add them to a new or existing community.